Affiliate Disclaimer

Do you use affiliate links?

Yes, we do.  For products that we believe in and personally bought and use on a regular occasion we feel comfortable recommending to you.  You’ll notice that the products we recommend aren’t always the most expensive in their genre, but the one we find best for the purpose and price.

Why do we use affiliate links?

Websites aren’t free to host and content takes time and energy to create.  We use affiliate links with the hope that we can recoup some of those costs that it takes to keep this alive!

Does buying through your links cost me more?

Nope!  When you click on one of our links and purchase a product it doesn’t cost anything extra to you.  We do make a commission from the affiliate, but that cut comes from them, not you.

Does price affect what you recommend?

We have no incentive to recommend products that we don’t believe in or find to be quality.  For example, if you purchase a product through our link and then return it, we don’t make a commission on that.  These are the same things we would recommend to friends and family, and they’re the same things that we personally have purchased for ourselves.  So, we don’t choose items based on with hopes of making more, because that doesn’t work, we only recommend products that we like (which usually aren’t the most expensive).